Events at Village The Vitamin Store Locations

There are several events held each month at Village The Vitamin Store locations. Lectures, Seminars, Workshops, and Product Demos are just a few of the types of events we hold.

Please Check our Events Page on Facebook for up coming events or contact the specific location for their event details.

Seminars and Workshops

We offer seminars and workshops on a variety of health topics at each our locations. Please consult our event schedule on facebook or call the store nearest you for details. If there is a topic that you would like addressed as either a seminar or workshop please feel free to contact the manager at the location nearest you and he/she will try to accommodate your request.

Product Demos

Product Demos are typically run for a portion of the day where a representative for a particular product demonstrates how to use a product or hands out samples and answers questions. There are also "soft demos" where samples are put out and customers can try at their own convenience.